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  What's a dub? Dubs are mini challenges that simultaneously prove a user isn't a bot and that they're a unique human. Functionally, they're a bit like "I'm not a robot" tests. Dubs are decentralized because the challenge is seeded from a random block hash. When a user completes a dub, the dub needs to be evaluated whether it was performed correctly, or whether it was faked by a bot or duplicate user. This requires having a user database of a user's previously submitted dubs to compare to (later video). The "trust core" of a dub (e.g. for backing whether an internet comment is authentic) is performed by a network of decentralized nodes running machine learning algorithms. Anyone can become a node in this network -- you don't have to rely on a company (who could then generate fake accounts) to perform the verifications. The decentralized nature of this process is imperative for ensuring that a single entity is not incentivized or even capable of generating fake accounts. A simple example of a dub is to have a decentralized network first agree on a list of ~20,000 words. A random most-recent block hash from an external network, such as the Ethereum blockchain, is used to select 5 random words from this list. When a user visits the website, they're asked to say these 5 random words within about 30 seconds. If they can't say the words within that time, a new most-recent Ethereum block hash is chosen, and a user is asked to say a new set of 5 random words. Because the user's voice is a biometric, it proves that the user is unique within whatever website they're trying to comment on. Because the words they say are seeded from a random block, it proves that they are "alive" (i.e. not a bot -- they must've generated the words within 30 seconds, assuming their transaction propagates). Someone might say this is hocus pocus -- An A.I. could easily be trained to say these 5 random words within the allotted timeframe (30 seconds). But, if network nodes are trained against such fake voice data, it becomes a much more difficult task to fake. The network only works if there is a market for paying people for fake data to train against, and ultimately whether there is a greater financial incentive for users to submit fake data for payment to network nodes, rather than submit fake data as a new account. Project Oblio has a number of dubs in the pipeline that are both more secure and more user-friendly to perform than saying 5 random words out loud. We hope to implement them before the conclusion of our airdrop.

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